Welcome To Our New Website!

A WHILE BACK we took the opportunity to freshen up and redesign our website giving it a clean, modern look so as to provide a more interactive and responsive browsing experience and to allow our partners and customers to get in touch with us in ways we could never do before. Today, we are proud to…

Translation & Localization

International advertising is a very complex and risky issue because of possible language and cultural misunderstanding. Knowledge of cultural diversity of the target country must always encompass the total advertising project. For instance, when Procter & Gamble launched Pampers diapers in Japan, their original commercial, dubbed into Japanese, showed an animated stork delivering Pampers diapers…

The Risks of Poor Translations

Poor translations may have a major impact on more than just your company’s budget. Badly translated instructions in a machine manual could cause serious injury or death. One badly translated sentence in a key document can harm the financial and professional image of a company and the legal and financial penalties can be devastating to…

Medical Interpreting and Cultural Mediation for the National Healthcare System. The Case Study of Ireland

Medical interpreting and cultural mediation are emerging professions in countries where large-scale immigration is a relatively recent phenomenon, and as a result the boundaries of both roles have been unclear and confusing for many health service providers. Both cultural mediation and interpreting has enabled service users from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds to access healthcare.…